Arts & Society

Student researched and produced case studies are available for inclusion in any OSUN class.
Pala Gaan: Enlightenment against Social Darkness

The film explores the role of Pala Gaan in advocating for social change and women's rights.


A Real Little Game

How to distinguish between reality and play when it comes to videogames depicting the army


It Comes in Waves

The music culture at Bard Annandale through the lens of student musicians.

BARD Annandale

Painting the Rights Brain

Art therapy can be an alternative to more traditional forms of therapy.

BARD Annandale

Julie 1989-1994

Videos about Julie in her family and of her parents' recollecton of Julie as a child.

Carbondale is On Fire - "Save Our Home" Music Video

Poetry and singing reflect the impact of climate change and students concern about the future.

Squatting Culture in Berlin

An illustration of how people are becoming victims to industrialization and capitalism in Germany.


Arts for Restorative Justice

What does it mean to be human? Is art a means of achieving justice?

BARD Annandale

MitMachMusik and its Journey to Success

MitaMachMusik is a German foundation that teaches music to immigrant and local children.


They shall speak with new tongues

Why native languages are important to speak.